Doakan semuanya selamat...

Alhamdulillah, our prayers had been heard.. I went to see the doctor yesterday and she said that I’m pregnant again :) Thanks Allah..However the doctor said that it is too early and the fetus is only few days old.. and since I faced missed abortion during my first pregnancy, the chance is 50 50..Doakan semuanya selamat and my fetus will start to grow inside my womb. I have to face the coming days with smiling but sometimes cannot rid away the anxiety feeling of what will happen in the next few months..will I be the happiest people on earth to be a mum or I will cry…Hmm but don’t think about it too much isn’t it or I can get stress…
Harap saya dapat menyudahkan  membaca surah ini:
Dari 0 hingga 3 bulan

Surah Yusuf

Untuk memperoleh anak yang cantik rupa dan cantik akhlak..

Dari 4 hingga 6 bulan

Surah Luqman

Untuk memperoleh anak yang cerdik akal dan cerdik jiwa..

Dari 7 hingga 9 bulan

Surah Maryam

Untuk memudahkan ibu bersalin..

My beautiful cousin, Ayra Saffiya Azli
She' s so adorable n looks alike her sister Syifa :)

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